So I've come to the end of the second year and I've learnt a lot as I've gone through it. When I started out I wrote about how I had no idea of where I was going and wondered where this year would take me. I found that getting into the swing of things and trying to push myself and improve my work was quite hard. It relied on me motivating myself and finding out why I wanted to be a game artist and why I was even here doing what I was doing.
It wasn't really to the second semester when everything started to come together. I think this was down to the group project we were assigned and made me realise what a real game artist does and what I would have to do in order to get where I wanted to. It made me evaluate where I was at and the skills I had and how they could be improved upon to give me the best tailor made portfolio for the companies I would want to apply for.
I know that I still have some way to go before I can go knocking on the doors of the games industry; but over the summer I plan to start really practising the tools and techniques further in order better my work flow and help in creating some real pieces that contend with the thousands of others competing for the few places up for grabs.
I'm also going to look a the processes of other leading artists more closely and try as hard as possible to build their work flow into mine to hopefully increase the quantity of work I put out as well as the quality. The main focus is really being committed to the deadlines and projects I set myself and also making sure I complete them as any other piece and see it not as work to be taken at a gentle pace but keep churning it out and making it look better till I could say I think it's getting to industry standard and would be proud to put into my portfolio and show it off to all the lead artists throughout the games industry.
Well I know what I have to do so enough talking about it on here, I guess I should go on and do some actual work before I fall any more behind everyone else out there!